IKARUS, FireEye and NOZOMI Networks presented the new IKARUS managed.defense service for the first time at the IKT Security Conference in front of more than 150 interested participants – and thus more than the seats available.
The new modular security platform for IT, OT and ICS security was vividly presented with an anonymous customer project. The anonymized customer data clearly shows the added value in security and knowledge that already comes with the collection and analysis of all networked systems and protocols. Transparency, permanent monitoring with targeted, valid alerts, real-time detection, incident response and forensics offer the greatest possible protection to maintain running systems and secure productions even in the event of an attack and to safeguard productions.
Global threat intelligence with local integration
„IKARUS is Austria’s only system integrator for the partner technologies of FireEye and NOZOMI Networks,” said IKARUS COO Christian Fritz, summarizing the unique advantages of the platform: “We are a central, tangible point of contact for all parties. In addition, we have integrated all hardware and services locally at our IKARUS data center in Vienna – all data remains in Austria.”
Learn more about our technologies and their applications!
Contact us at +43 1 58995-500 or sales@ikarus.at to arrange individual presentation appointments with our certified IT/OT security experts!