Fight against Ransomware: Home Match for IKARUS

27. May, 2019

IKARUS Malware Scan Engine is the only one of 57 antivirus manufacturers to recognize the latest Ransomware

On 24.04.2019 around 8:00 a.m. a targeted attack was carried out on an Austrian large corporation – successfully. The malware was smuggled in via email, cleverly disguised as an application. The included malicious code was previously unknown worldwide.

The fastest Scan Engine against Ransomware

Thanks to up-to-date backups and a professional IT team, the company survived the attack with little damage. Two hours after the attack, the technicians uploaded the malicious file to the platform, where 57 international scan engines checked it. The IKARUS Malware Scan Engine is the only one that detected the malware correctly.

“Of course, you might ask yourself, why did the other manufacturers fail?” Security specialist DI Christoph Barszczewski, long-standing partner consultant at IKARUS, explains: “For me personally, this is proof that nowadays we often have to deal with locally limited attack scenarios, against which even the large, globally known manufacturers from other continents can do nothing in the short term.”

“Home-field advantage”: protection against local threat scenarios

In addition to independent quality features such as the detection strength of the integrated engine or direct support services in the event of an infection, the physical proximity to the manufacturer is also a security-relevant criterion. The closer to the domestic market, the more likely and faster local threats, whether ransomware, spam or other attacks, are detected and stopped by the security provider

Link hint:
Maximum protection against email-based attacks and targeted attacks: IKARUS with ATP (Advanced Threat Protection)

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Nozomi Guardian Air
HarfangLab Guard
MITRE ATT&CK Framework
v.l.n.r.: Joe Pichlmayr (CEO IKARUS) – Anouck Teiller (CSO HarfangLab) –Alexander van der Bellen (Bundespräsident Österreich) - Frédéric Joureau (Erster Botschaftsrat der französischen Botschaft in Wien) – Christian Fritz (COO IKARUS)
Cyber Kill Chain
Business Email Compromise
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E-Mail Verschlüsselung


IKARUS Security Software GmbH Blechturmgasse 11
1050 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 58995-0
Sales Hotline:
+43 1 58995-500


Support hotline:
+43 1 58995-400

Support hours:
Mon – Thu: 8am – 5pm
Fri: 8am – 3pm
24/7 support by arrangement

Remote maintenance software:
AnyDesk Download