Cyber Security Schecks 2023: Funding for NIS2-affected SMEs

18. October, 2023

Austrian SMEs that are obliged to apply the NIS2 cyber security directive can apply for funding of max. 40% of the costs or max. € 10,000 per company by 15.1.2024 at the latest with the Cyber Security Cheques 2023.

In less than a year, the NIS2 directive must be implemented by all affected companies – and that is far more than under NIS1. NIS2 applies to large, medium and, in appropriate circumstances, small companies of essential and important services. The new directive covers many more sectors than before, and the threshold of 50 employees is dropped for sole providers of an essential service in a country.

The WKO offers an online guide for Austrian companies to find out whether they are affected by the regulation.

Funding for technologies and consulting services for NIS2 implementation

Especially for smaller companies, the concrete demands of the NIS2 directive for optimised cyber resilience and responsiveness to cyber security incidents can be challenging. Often there is a lack of budget and the concrete know-how.

The Cyber Security Cheques 2023 can provide financial relief for the affected businesses. Only concrete projects for the implementation of the NIS2 directive that are completed within 12 months from the start of the project will be funded. Applications must be submitted by 15.1.2024, 12:00 noon at the latest, and before the start of the project. The funding pot is limited – it may therefore be worthwhile to act quickly!

Both technologies and consulting services are eligible for funding in order to meet the requirements of the NIS2 Directive. The type and purpose of the technologies or services as well as their contribution to the implementation of the NIS2 Directive in the company must already be plausibly described in the funding application.

Eligible technologies and services related to industrial safety

IKARUS supports the cyber security and operational resilience of infrastructures with the  OT Security Sensor Guardian™ from Nozomi Networks through the following measures:

  • Security risk management
  • Identification of key assets and vulnerabilities
  • Visualisation of network traffic
  • Supporting network segmentation
  • Detection of cyber hygiene deviations
  • Real-time detection and defence against anomalies and cyber attacks

With IKARUS OT Security Professional Services, you get tailored professional advice and hands-on support in defining, implementing, optimising, and maintaining Nozomi technologies. The certified IKARUS Industrial Cyber Security experts accompany you from project planning to implementation and beyond – according to your personal needs.

Contact us at for your questions and individual advice!


All details on SME funding:

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v.l.n.r.: Joe Pichlmayr (CEO IKARUS) – Anouck Teiller (CSO HarfangLab) –Alexander van der Bellen (Bundespräsident Österreich) - Frédéric Joureau (Erster Botschaftsrat der französischen Botschaft in Wien) – Christian Fritz (COO IKARUS)
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1050 Vienna

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