IKARUS anti.virus: Upgrade to Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 or higher necessary

Release notes

To guarantee the authenticity and integrity of submitted software, the Windows Security Center works with Extended Validation (EV) code signing certificates. This certificate verifies that your anti-virus software comes from the specified vendor and Microsoft partner. It reduces the threat of fake AVs and helps keep your systems safe.

Microsoft stores a list of trusted certification authorities for each Windows version – for operating systems as well as servers. Unfortunately, older and no longer supported Windows versions do not receive updates to current certificates from Microsoft. For this reason, compatibility problems with updated software may occur.

IKARUS software and services are optimised for Windows 10, Windows Server are supported from version 2016. Older versions are not officially supported and can no longer be provided with programme updates as of now. Virus and signature databases will continue to be updated for the time being, and all IKARUS anti.virus features will work reliably as usual. Nevertheless, we recommend updating operating systems and servers to current Windows versions now in order to continue to receive the best possible protection from IKARUS and Windows.


IKARUS Security Software GmbH Blechturmgasse 11
1050 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 58995-0
Sales Hotline: +43 1 58995-500


Support hotline: +43 1 58995-400

Support hours:
Mon – Thu: 8am – 5pm
Fri: 8am – 3pm
24/7 support by arrangement

Remote maintenance software:
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