IKARUS mail.security
Release notes
Release date 3. March, 2025
Release notes
Release date 3. March, 2025
With the new Domains menu option in the IKARUS Portal, you can now independently add or delete domains.
Adding or deleting domains
The verification of new domains is done automatically via a TXT string in the DNS record.
When adding a domain in the IKARUS Portal, you will be shown an organization-specific string under Value of the TXT entry. Add this string as a TXT record in your DNS configuration. This string is used to associate the domain with your organization and is identical for all domains.
Once the DNS change takes effect, you can create new incoming and outgoing routes for the approved domains in the IKARUS Portal or add them to existing routes.
Before deleting a domain, it must be removed from all existing routes. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed during the deletion process.
Existing domains and routes are not affected by the update and do not require any adjustments.