Digital Days 2023: Digital Humanism in Action

20. and 21. November 2023, Vienna Museum of Science and Technology

On 20 and 21 November 2023, the Digital Days 2023 will focus on digital humanism “in action”. The event is a cooperation of the City of Vienna, DigitalCity.Wien and UIV Urban Innovation Vienna with the Vienna Business Agency and the Vienna Science, Research and Technology Fund (WWTF).

For the Digital Days 2023, the Technical Museum Vienna will become a world of experience with interactive stands and workshops, lectures, guided tours and presentations. Over 30 exhibitors will present innovative technologies and discuss the opportunities and challenges of the digitalisation of our city. People are at the centre of the digital transformation.

According to Joe Pichlmayr, co-founder of the DigitalCity.Wien initiative and CEO of IKARUS Security Software, the goal is to translate digital humanism from concept to practice: “Technology should and can enrich the human experience, respect ethical standards, and promote society as a whole.”

Why is digital humanism necessary and important?

At the beginning of the 1990s, the internet became freely accessible and rapidly developed from a communication channel for military and academic institutions into the World Wide Web with both light and dark sides. Search engines, online shops, social networks, but also fake news, profiling, clickbait, malware, and spam flourished.

Digital humanism aims to shape technological progress according to human values and fundamental rights. The benefits should be available to all, and threats should be specifically addressed and contained. The City of Vienna has therefore commissioned a study on the topic for a Digital Humanism Initiative in Vienna in 2019. Besides, researchers from various disciplines have formulated the Vienna Manifesto for Digital Humanism, which was published by TU Wien. The Digital Days take up the concept and make it accessible to all interested parties.

What does cyber security have to do with digital humanism?

“An essential component of digital humanism is the security of digital systems and technologies,” explains Joe Pichlmayr. The integration of cybersecurity is crucial for several reasons, he says:

  • Data protection: The protection of personal data and privacy is an essential aspect of digital humanism. Cyber security ensures that people’s data is adequately protected and not misused for unlawful or harmful purposes.
  • Trust and acceptance: Security is crucial to gaining people’s trust in digital technologies. When people feel safe, they are more likely to use and benefit from technology.
  • Protection against misuse: Digital technologies have the potential to be misused in negative ways, e.g., through cybercrime, hacker attacks, disinformation, or manipulation. Cybersecurity is an important protective mechanism to minimise such threats.
  • Integrity and reliability: Security ensures the integrity and reliability of digital systems. Preventing unwanted interference and ensuring smooth functioning is crucial for the acceptance and success of digital solutions.
  • Ethics and transparency: The security of technologies often goes hand in hand with ethical principles and transparency regarding the functioning of systems. This promotes responsible use of technology and enables people to understand the consequences of its use.

Digital Days 2023: from concept to practice

“Technologies should support and protect people as opposed to creating potential threats or ethical concerns,” says Joe Pichlmayr: “By considering cybersecurity in the development, deployment, regulation and use of digital products and services, we promote a responsible and sustainable digital society.”

The way there requires a joint commitment from politics, business, science and the population – and of course “action”. The Digital Days make digitisation and innovations tangible and are thus aimed at all people. Among the supporting programme are the initiative “Industry Meets Makers”, the awarding of the Hedy Lamarr Prize of the City of Vienna as well as workshops especially for students.

“It is never too early to deal with digitalisation and cyber security,” says Pichlmayr: “Today, technologies are part of everyday life, living and learning from childhood onwards, and this should always include knowledge about their safe use and possible risks.”

Digital Days 2023: Digital Humanism in Action
20. and 21. November 2023, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., Vienna Museum of Science and Technology
Admission free, with limited number of tickets for panels and lectures.
Pre-registration under


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