1 Migration

  • How can I register with the IKARUS Portal?

    Existing customers log in once with their existing user information at https://cloud.mymailwall.com to start the migration process. With your admin account created in this way, you can create as many additional users as you like with different authorisation levels. After that, access is via https://portal.ikarus.at.

    New customers will receive their login information after signing the contract at the e-mail address they provided. With the admin account created in this way, you can create any number of further users with different authorisation levels.

    With the test user demo1@ikarus.at and password Demo123? you can get a first impression of the IKARUS Portal and the product features without obligation. Login is possible at https://portal.ikarus.at.

  • Why should I migrate from the old interface to the IKARUS Portal?

    New functionalities will only be added to the IKARUS Portal. Furthermore, the old interfaces will be deactivated on a date not yet defined.

  • I have been using admin.mymailwall.com until now. Which admin interface is now available to me?

    The migration is done via cloud.mymailwall.com with your existing user data. With the IKARUS Portal, we have combined both interfaces and you can manage your clients via the menu item Organisation/Overview.

  • I cannot access the IKARUS Portal with my existing cloud.mymailwall.com user. How can I fix this?

    Log in once with your existing user information at https://cloud.mymailwall.com to start the migration process. You will be guided through a short migration process where a personal account will be created and settings can be adjusted. After setting up the new account once, log in with your newly set access data at https://portal.ikarus.at.

2 General

  • Do I incur costs by using the IKARUS portal?

    There are no additional costs for using the IKARUS Portal.

  • What is an organisation in the IKARUS Portal?

    An organisation is an IKARUS client. This can be yourself, but also one of your clients.

  • Why does a logout from the MDM and AVITC portal still point to cloud.mymailwall.com instead of the IKARUS Portal?

    This is due to the downward compatibility of the interfaces and will be changed as soon as the old interfaces are no longer available.

  • I would like to have feature XYZ in the IKARUS Portal. Where can I register this?

    Please get in touch with your contact person at IKARUS.

  • When will the next version of the IKARUS portal be released?

    New versions are created continuously and made available to you free of charge. You can view the changes in the release rotes.

  • How does 2FA or two-factor authentication work in the IKARUS Portal?

    You can set the 2FA at organisation level (mandatory) or at individual user level. The next time you log in, you will be guided through the configuration process.

  • Why can’t I activate access to mail content in the IKARUS portal?

    Please contact support@ikarus.at for this.

  • I am missing an organisation in the overview. Where can I add this?

    Please get in touch with your contact person at IKARUS.

  • Can I customise the organisation name in the IKARUS Portal?

    You can customise the name of your organisation or subordinate organisations under Organisation/Settings.

  • Where can I see for which organisation I am currently making changes?

    As soon as you manage another organisation, a red banner appears on the top screen showing the data of the selected organisation.

  • What can be seen in the log?

    All changes made for the selected organisation or by a user of the selected organisation are visible in the log.


IKARUS Security Software GmbH Blechturmgasse 11
1050 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 58995-0
Sales Hotline: +43 1 58995-500


Support hotline: +43 1 58995-400

Support hours:
Mon – Thu: 8am – 5pm
Fri: 8am – 3pm
24/7 support by arrangement

Remote maintenance software:
AnyDesk Download