Julia Gattringer

People & Culture Manager

What did you want to be when you were little?

As far as I can remember, I did not have any specific career aspirations. However, what I liked to do as a small child and still like to do today is to get to know different people and foreign countries.

Julia Gattringer

When and how did you discover your interest in IT and/or cyber security?

A few years ago, when the industry was still very foreign to me, but I realised what an up-and-coming and forward-looking environment it is. As a recruiter, I was a bit “scared” of the jargon and the nerd image associated with the scene, but I was very pleasantly surprised by it at IKARUS.

How did you become a People & Culture Manager? What training, knowledge or experience was particularly helpful?

After several years in headhunting, two babies including maternity leaves and a master’s degree in HR and organisational development, I have arrived in the role of People & Culture Manager. This study was helpful, as were other trainings and all the rest of my work experience and experience in working with people in different forms of organisations.

Which (professional and human) skills are particularly important in your current job?

From a professional point of view, it is important to have the basic knowledge of “HR work”. But I think it’s even more important to keep up to date, to regularly exchange ideas with people in similar roles and to be open to learning and trying out new things. Especially in IT recruiting, you never stop learning.

From a human point of view, I think it is important to have a good sense or antennae for nuances in communication and to be able to take a step back and listen in order to understand the other person. This helps me when dealing with candidates, for example, but also with employees.

What would you have liked to know about your profession earlier?

That people are not machines ;-), everyone works differently and there are no operating instructions for them.

What do you like most and least about your job?

What I like most is bringing together suitable people and creating shared experiences–be it in the form of recruiting or organising team events.

My least favourite part of recruiting is when candidates who would fit in very well with us decide at the last minute for another employer.

What is special about your role as People & Culture Manager?

The special thing about my role at IKARUS is that “People & Culture” at IKARUS includes many different topics: be it recruiting, training & development, wellbeing, team building or simply organising a football match together. This makes my job incredibly varied and therefore special.

What do you think are good ways to get a foothold in the IT and/or cyber security industry?

Either pure interest or passion to acquire the relevant knowledge yourself or a suitable degree. Jobs are plentiful, let’s say, and I am convinced that the need for talented and motivated people in this industry will increase.

Why should someone apply to be your new colleague?

Because at IKARUS everyone can be who they are. We live a very open and honest relationship here. Moreover, the IT security industry is booming right now and it feels good to be part of this boom.

Vision & Mission

Optimal customer experiences are our drive. That is why we put quality before quantity and focus on the demands of our customers. Employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction are at the same level of importance in our company.


Team Lead Backend Development
Cyber Security Engineer – TIP
Junior Cyber Security Engineer
Malware Analyst


IKARUS Security Software GmbH Blechturmgasse 11
1050 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 58995-0
Sales Hotline:
+43 1 58995-500


Support hotline:
+43 1 58995-400

Support hours:
Mon – Thu: 8am – 5pm
Fri: 8am – 3pm
24/7 support by arrangement

Remote maintenance software:
AnyDesk Download